About ESC
Who Are We?
ESC plans, promotes, and coordinates student activities within the College of Engineering, aids and encourages the professional and social development of the engineering students, and represents the students of the COE in the university and national affairs. Most notably, ESC coordinates iExpo, eWeek, and eBall.
ESC provides support to all currently enrolled students and recognized engineering student groups in the following ways, but not limited to: promoting group activities, promoting fellowship and cooperation between organizations, conducting the fair distribution of funds to student groups, assisting in the administration between groups, arbitrating disputes between organizations, and assisting with the administration and organization of activities of multiple groups.
Our Mission
The Engineering Student Council (ESC) aims to serve as the student governing body of the College of Engineering, representing engineering clubs and students to the college, community, and industry. ESC works to aid and encourage the professional and social development of students within the college by planning, promoting, and financially supporting engineering student activities.
ESC was first organized in 1926. In October of 1992, ESC became a charter member of the National Association of Engineering Student Councils, Inc.
Our members consist of representatives from each Engineering club, a representative from each Engineering department, At-Large members, and the Executive Board members. As a member of the UA Engineering Student Council students are empowered to help make decisions and plan activities that affect all students in the College of Engineering.

What does ESC do?
Industry Exposition (iExpo) Career Fair: This campus-wide event is the largest student-run career fair at the University of Arizona. iExpo provides students with the opportunity to meet industry recruiters, allows government agencies and private companies the chance to distribute information regarding careers at their firm, and educates students about the ways in which engineering affects their lives.
Engineers Week (eWeek): eWeek is dedicated to ensuring a diverse and well-educated engineering workforce by increasing awareness about engineering and technological careers among all university students. Week-long festivities involves a set of events run and organized by various engineering clubs, organizations, and societies within the College of Engineering.
Engineers Ball (eBall): ESC hosts an evening of music and snacks at a venue off campus. It is an opportunity to dress up and mingle with other engineering students!
Philanthropy: Each year ESC ends eWeek with a university wide food drive to give back to the
community. In 2014, ESC raised 1792 pounds of food during the food drive and raised $258.58 in 2014
during a penny war by collecting donations. In 2016, ESC collected 3,011 lbs of food during the food
drive for Casa Maria and the penny war raised $416.75 for the local charity Ben's Bells.
For a list of clubs affiliated with ESC, see the College of Engineering page.